QuickBooks Batch Invoicing for Homeowner’s Association Dues

Are you using QuickBooks to manage a homeowner association? If so, you may find the following question and answer for sending individual invoices helpful.

Q: I use QuickBooks Pro 2011 for homeowner association management. Is there a faster way to update memorized transactions than editing individual invoices? I update individual HOA dues invoices annually. The batch invoice looks like a good solution for my HOAs as every property pays the same amount. I also have an HOA due for which the amount varies based on a several factors that I calculate with an Excel spreadsheet. I would like to avoid the manual keyboard work of moving the spreadsheet results into invoices. So, will  the batch invoice function in QuickBooks work well even though the amounts for each invoice vary?

A: Using batch invoices are only useful if the date, item, description, and the amount are the same for the all the selected customers. This is due to the fact that Batch Invoicing only posts invoices to one item, the same description, one class and the same amount for all your Customers or Jobs (Tenants). Do not use Batch Invoicing for property management as this will only enter the invoices into the one Class that you specify. However, you can use Batch Invoicing for quarterly or yearly billing if you are using ONE CLASS ONLY or NO CLASS.

For varying amounts on each invoice, create Billing Groups for each factor.

If you have multiple properties, then you need to create invoices and memorize them to automatically enter.

Gita Faust

About the Author

Gita Faust has over 30 years of accounting experience in the real estate and property management industry, Gita Faust is more than just a real estate investor; she is also popular for her work as an accountant, consultant, mentor, speaker, QuickBooks Top ProAdvisor, QuickBooks Solution Provider, member of Intuit’s Trainer/Writer Network, and, of course, author. Gita is well-known for her exemplary leadership and advisory skills. In fact, she even helped pioneer the adaptation of QuickBooks to suit the needs of professionals in real estate and property management. To share her knowledge she has written a series of courses titled Simplified Accounting Solution, which provides step-by-step guidance for those working with QuickBooks.

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