How often should I backups of QuickBooks File? Now that you know what a backup is, it’s time to start implementing a backup schedule. How often should you back up your information?
There’s no right answer to this. It depends on the needs of your company. If you enter loads of data into QuickBooks every day then maybe you should make a backup every day. If you’re a landlord or property manager and you invoice your tenants for rent at the beginning of the month, then you want to set up backups of QuickBooks File monthly.
Intuit suggests making a backup at the end of each session or each day to a network drive, external hard drive, or a removable storage device like a CD, USB flash drive, etc.
You can also sign up for Intuit Data Protect if you prefer an online backup service for your QB files.
Do not store routine backups on your hard drive because if that crashes, you’re out of luck!