
Four QuickBooks Reports to View All Transactions

View All Transactions

Some of you who previously kept financial records by hand are familiar with the general ledger and journal. Luckily, with QuickBooks, the general ledger and journal are automatically populated from the transactions you enter for your real estate and property management business. These QuickBooks reports are great resources for viewing all transactions and journal entries.

The General Ledger report lists all transactions for each account over the specified period of time. You can select the date range to show the appropriate transactions. The Transaction Detail by Account report lists individual transactions with subtotals for each account. Ultimately, the General Ledger and Transaction Detail by Account reports show you the same information. These reports are easy to customize for your property management and real estate needs.

The Adjusting Journal Entries report lists all adjusted journal entries during the specified period of time. Adjusting entries are journal entries made at the end of an accounting period to allocate for income and expenses that have yet to be recorded.

The Journal report is for accountants, breaking each transaction down into debits and credits. If you are unfamiliar with double-entry accounting, this report may be more confusing than helpful. By default, it does not show adjustments.

Gita Faust

About the Author

Gita Faust has over 30 years of accounting experience in the real estate and property management industry, Gita Faust is more than just a real estate investor; she is also popular for her work as an accountant, consultant, mentor, speaker, QuickBooks Top ProAdvisor, QuickBooks Solution Provider, member of Intuit’s Trainer/Writer Network, and, of course, author. Gita is well-known for her exemplary leadership and advisory skills. In fact, she even helped pioneer the adaptation of QuickBooks to suit the needs of professionals in real estate and property management. To share her knowledge she has written a series of courses titled Simplified Accounting Solution, which provides step-by-step guidance for those working with QuickBooks.

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