Looking for Real estate QuickBooks sample files from the industry? Our responses to a few recent questions from clients should help.
Q: I just installed QuickBooks and I want to view a sample file. Are there any sample files for the real estate industry?
A: QuickBooks doesn’t come with real estate QuickBooks sample files a real estate sample file, but we have several sample files available with our manuals. Depending on your needs, we have sample files for landlord rentals, property manager rentals, commercial property, condos HOA, etc. We also have manuals with sample files included for Flip Properties, Vacation Rentals for Managers, Vacation Rentals for Landlords, and Real Estate Agents.
If you wish to set up your real estate file, follow our guidelines so you will have accurate reports.
Q: Is there a sample file for a real estate agent and/or a team of agents?
A: Yes. It is available with the purchase of Real Estate Agents. One of the easy things you can do with QuickBooks is that you can add, edit, or delete an account. You decide what type of income and expense you want to track in detail or summary. Customizing your file makes it easy for you to track your expenses and cut costs when necessary. Either way, you will be able to file your tax returns when the time comes with the data you enter.