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Want to sell products and accept credit cards online but don’t know where to begin? Here are the basics to get started with...

Create item records in QuickBooks carefully, and defining items in QuickBooks will return the favor by running useful, accurate reports. Clearly defining items...

The Audit Trial report lists each accounting transaction and any additions, deletions, or modifications that affect that transaction. Any information about the transaction...

Intuit Merchant Services, and credit cards on Web Stores can boost your accounts receivable by enabling more purchases. Here are some card-processing basics....

No, you’ll never max out all of its features, but here are some tips on tools that extend QuickBooks tool’s usefulness – and...

These three web-based apps – accessible via your smartphone — provide mobile access to QuickBooks data with Portable Productivity. Accounting in the cloud...

QuickBooks handles Billing for Time and Expenses capably, but you must understand the process thoroughly before proceeding. Billing for Time and Expenses parts...

The last few years have probably taken a toll on your accounts receivable. A bad economy can result not only in slow sales...

If you’re just writing one-off checks to bill-paying tools, you’re missing out on many benefits. QuickBooks’ Calendar and Reminders help you manage your...

QuickBooks provides two ways (actually, three) to create a copy of your QuickBooks data file. When is each appropriate, backup, or Portable company...